World of Concrete 2025
Application to attend


Where and When: WOC 2025 will take place at the Las Vegas Convention Center, 3150 Paradise Rd, Las Vegas, Nevada, on January 21-23.

This event is for the following dates:
January 21st to January 23rd; 3 days and 2 nights.

What: Local 528 has not been active at the World of Concrete for over a decade and we want to change that. Local 528 will now send a group of staff and members to represent, observe, network and report back to the body with a goal to advance the future of our craft.

  • Increasing Local 528 Brand Awareness.

  • Networking with business leaders and suppliers.

  • Creating Business Relationships and Cultivating Future Partnerships.

  • Getting the Scoop on the Competition.

  • Innovative Safety Practices

  • Learning About the State/Future of Your Industry trends.

    Be prepared to submit a report with the team at a Union Meeting.

    Call the union office for additional details.

    Additionally: You will be expected to sign a commitment letter that assures the union that you will repay any monies extended on your behalf if you cannot attend the WOC. You will be signing with a notary a release of liability that holds the union harmless in case you have an accident or incident.

    Who Can Apply: You must be a member in good standing and satisfy the membership requirements in the same manner as being eligible to vote at a union election, (Constitution & ByLaws Article 8, Sec. A).

    Deadline for submissions is November 30th, 2024.

    Selection Process: The President of the Local will select a committee of (3) to review all of the applications and select one.

Please complete the Application below