World of Concrete 2025
Application to attend
Where and When: WOC 2025 will take place at the Las Vegas Convention Center, 3150 Paradise Rd, Las Vegas, Nevada, on January 21-23.
This event is for the following dates:
January 21st to January 23rd; 3 days and 2 nights.
What: Local 528 has not been active at the World of Concrete for over a decade and we want to change that. Local 528 will now send a group of staff and members to represent, observe, network and report back to the body with a goal to advance the future of our craft.
Increasing Local 528 Brand Awareness.
Networking with business leaders and suppliers.
Creating Business Relationships and Cultivating Future Partnerships.
Getting the Scoop on the Competition.
Innovative Safety Practices
Learning About the State/Future of Your Industry trends.
Be prepared to submit a report with the team at a Union Meeting.
Call the union office for additional details.
Additionally: You will be expected to sign a commitment letter that assures the union that you will repay any monies extended on your behalf if you cannot attend the WOC. You will be signing with a notary a release of liability that holds the union harmless in case you have an accident or incident.
Who Can Apply: You must be a member in good standing and satisfy the membership requirements in the same manner as being eligible to vote at a union election, (Constitution & ByLaws Article 8, Sec. A).
Deadline for submissions is November 30th, 2024.
Selection Process: The President of the Local will select a committee of (3) to review all of the applications and select one.